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Honda City 新型「City(シティ)」をインドで世界初公開

Hondaのインドにおける四輪車生産販売会社であるホンダカーズインディア・リミテッド(以下、HCIL、本社:ウッタルプラディッシュ州グレーターノイダ 社長:金山 裕則)は、2013年11月25日に以下を発表しましたので、その内容をご案内します。

Hondaは、世界各国で販売するグローバルコンパクトシリーズのセダンモデルとして開発した新型Cityを、自動車の普及が急速に進んでいるインドの首都ニューデリー市内において発表しました。エクステリアは、クーペモデルの優雅さとワンモーションデザインを融合させたスポーティーなデザインとしています。Honda独創の「M・M(マン・マキシマム/メカ・ミニマム)思想」※1を具現化することで、歴代のCityモデルにおいて最も広い室内空間を実現しています※2。インド市場向けには、低燃費と高出力を両立させた1.5L 4気筒i-DTECディーゼルエンジンと、1.5L 4気筒SOHC i-VTECガソリンエンジンを搭載した2モデルの設定としています。


ホンダカーズインディア・リミテッド 社長 金山 裕則のコメント

※1 M・M思想:人のためのスペースは最大に、メカニズムは最小にというHondaのクルマ作りの基本思想です
※2 Honda調べ
※3 2012年末現在。Honda調べ

Ref: http://ethicallifehack.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1818.html
就咁叫我呀 Cliff (奇利夫)
Honda Cars India Limited, a four-wheel vehicle production and sales company in India Honda ( below , HCIL, headquartered in Uttar Alpes radish State Greater Noida President: Jinshan Hiroshi-soku ) today announced the following November 25, 2013 so , I will guide you through the content .

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Honda also announced in the capital city of New Delhi, India spread of car is progressing rapidly , a new City, has been developed as a sedan model of the Global Compact series to be sold around the world . The exterior has a sporty design that combines the one-motion design and elegance of the coupe model . Through the realization of the Honda original " M · M ( man maximum / minimum Mecha ) thought " the ※ 1, has achieved the widest interior space in the City of successive model ※ 2. In the Indian market , we have a set of two models with the four-cylinder i-DTEC diesel engine 1.5L that combines high output and low fuel consumption , the four-cylinder SOHC i-VTEC gasoline engine 1.5L.

As a global model of the four-door sedan , after the release in Thailand the first model in 1996 , City is set to be about 2.2 million units ※ 3 the cumulative sales , and are sold in 55 countries at present . HCIL performs production in India , it is planned to launch in January 2014 . After the announcement in India , we are expected to launch around the world in order .

Comments of Honda Cars India Limited president Kanayama Hiroshi-soku
Since its launch , in the sedan segment in India , received a golden opinion from customers , has become one of the model to represent Honda's " City. Therefore, it is ahead of other cities in the world , the new model of this time published in India I am convinced by the deployment of a diesel engine for the first time in the City of . history that we , our customers' expectations is very large , to be able signed a bond with many of our customers than ever before "

※ 1 M · M thought : space for persons in a maximum , is the basic concept of the car making Honda mechanism that minimizes
※ 2 Honda examined
※ 3 2012 at year's end . Honda examined
就咁叫我呀 Cliff (奇利夫)

Three lines
就咁叫我呀 Cliff (奇利夫)